Monday, January 23

A little batty

Yahoo! Avatars

The heat is driving me crazy. It's boiling me from the inside out; I can feel my body turn to mush. I miss the rain and windy, dark days. I really don't see the attraction in living in a tropical country. I really don't. Frizzy hair, heavy air, warm, blistering sun. Can you hear me breathe through that despotic glare?

Did you know that bats can eat their full body weight in insects? Imagine doing that, stuffing yourself with 100++ pounds of chocolate. Yu-um. They navigate in the dark using high-frequency sounds. The only mammals that can fly and they do it with their eyes closed. Such faith. They pollinate plants, flowers, trees, and they devour those nasty, disease-bloated mosquitoes. They're quite clean though despite their horrid diet. Such happy, little helpers and they get bad rap for living in dark, dank caves and squatting in cavernous churches.

I like them though... with the funky ears, fine-edged teeth, leaf nose and all. I just feel bad when I have to use their name in vain when I am a bit loopy. I don't know... maybe being batty isn't such a bad thing.


At 27 January, 2006 14:50, Blogger red shoes said...

i like bats


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