Friday, November 11

Missing my roll ups

Why don't they sell filters for roll-ups here in Manila? They sell Drum tobacco and different types of paper but they don't have filters. All you get are plastic thingies that don't really work with roll-ups. I know, I know… I shouldn't even be smoking, but I really miss the taste of real tobacco. I'm back to smoking lights and it's not the same. I might as well give up smoking. Roll-ups taste better (especially when you use my fave brand Amsterdam) and you don't get that chemical after taste in your mouth. And I smoke less when I roll my own ciggies. I really do! They die on the ashtray when you don't smoke them then you can light them again afterwards and they don't taste icky. You think you've been smoking a pack of cigarettes the whole night but you have really been smoking 3 sticks. I think they're great!

Yeah, you're right… maybe I really should just give it up. I smoked for 9 years, gave up for 5, then started smoking for six months, off for seven, blah, blah, blah, for the last couple of years. I should thank Fuma for not selling those damn Rizla filters! Maybe it's a sign to chuck my lighter already. There is enough smoke going around the city anyway…


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